Thursday, April 21, 2011

Bunny Rolls

I saw this on the internet today and thought it was the cutest thing.  I wanted to share it in time for Easter.  Let the kids help!!  Here's what you'll need:  1 can of refrigerated cinnamon rolls.  That's it!!  My rolls weren't rolled in circles like most rolls are so I had a little bit of an extra headach to fix mine.  Here's what to do:  (Don't know why some of these are turned the wrong way.)

Unroll your cinnnamon rolls (or if like me, use a knife to cut them like a rolled cinnamon roll would be...and a knife works best...I tried it different ways including rolling like a snake)  Cut off a tiny piece to form the tail.  Place in U-shape.

Cross one side over the other.

Repeat and cross for a second time.

Roll tail into a ball and place in the spot left for the tail.

Bake according to package directions.  Watch because you could probably bake them less than the given time.  I think I did mine about 10-12 minutes.  Ice while still hot.

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