Friday, July 29, 2011

Carrot Souffle

This was my first time to make a souffle at home.  In terms of it rising correctly, well, it was a "flop".  In terms of flavor, it was delicious and tasted just like I wanted it to taste and remembered.  There is a restaurant in town called Dale's Southern Grill.  Maybe you've eaten there?  Last year, we went with The Dish Washer to a business dinner and Dale's catered.  Carrot Souffle, which is one of their more popular dishes, was served.  I originally didn't get any, but was prodded to try it for dessert.  Yes, it is plenty sweet enough for dessert too.  Theirs didn't rise either, so maybe it isn't supposed to.  It is really similar to a sweet potato pie/casserole.  A little internet research turned up the original recipe.  Here's the link:

While I was looking for that recipe, I also spotted this SHOOT ME NOW recipe.  I may have to make a trip for a little splurge soon!!


  1. AnonymousJuly 29, 2011

    Hey! I made the spaghetti pie last night and the kids loved it. I have been wanting to make a carrot souffle...thanks! I will try this. I love Dale's!

  2. AnonymousJuly 29, 2011

    That comment was me.
    Ashley G.

  3. I'm glad y'all like it. I thought it was delicious! And this carrot souffle is all because of Will. He was the one that told me I HAD to try it. :)
