What really matters?

"Taste and see that the Lord is good. Oh, the joys of those who take refuge in Him." Psalm 34:8

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Semi Homemade Pizza Pockets

I loved eating Hot Pockets as a little girl.  I remember walking down the street to my Grandparents' house and they always had them in the freezer.  It was a pretty usual lunch.  This recipe I came across really reminds me of those little pockets.  It is so quick and easy to put together.  The Dish Washer likes pizza but not enough to eat at home, so I make this for lunch for me and The Bun.  I think The Bun is going to take after his daddy, because he really doesn't love to eat this either.  But they are delicious, nevertheless, and I am the one pregnant.  I win!  We should come up with a name for this baby...let me think...all I can think of is the unoriginal Pea in the Pod.  Baby Pea.  That's it.  Anyway, here's the recipe.

Semi Homemade Pizza Pockets

1 loaf Rhodes freezer white bread, thawed and allow to rise according to pkg. directions
mozzarella cheese
shredded parmesan cheese
garlic powder, a little goes a long way
parsley flakes

Take thawed, risen dough and roll out into 11x11ish square.  (This isn't as easy as you would think it is since all that air is in the loaf.)  Next layer pepperoni, cover with cheeses depending on your preference with how much cheese you like and sprinkle with oregano, garlic powder (remember just a little) and parsley flakes.  Roll up cinnamon roll style.  Coat with melted butter butter or olive oil and bake on jelly roll pan at 375 for 15-20 minutes or until bread is baked through.  Allow to cool at least 10 minutes.  Slice and serve.

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