Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Chicken Corn Soup

Well, Buttercream is simmering away on the stove and I couldn't be happier. If I could share the way the house smells, I would! It isn't the coldest of nights, but this soup has been calling my name ever since I read it's recipe on Monday.

A high school friend recently started a new blog about their move from all things Southern to the cold North! She makes some yummy looking things and BAKES the most incredible breads, pies and cookies, all the while staying connected to home with her recipes.

Here's her blog...check it out!

I knew I had to try this soup when I read the recipe. It seemed so quick and easy and has all the tastes that The Dish Washer and I love. I'm just sorry he isn't here to try it. I've helped myself to a sample bowl tonight and MAN it is good! I'm having company tomorrow night for dinner and wanted to have it ready so that all I have to do is come home and warm it up! I even bought some crusty bread at her suggestion.

Click on the link for her recipe and pictures!! Mmmmmmmmmmmm!


In other news, we have been busy! I recently started off the soup season with Pork Green Chili. Last weekend we tailgated and had grilled chicken thighs using the Cha Cha Cha marinade, I doubled us a recipe of Spinach Dip because we were putting it away quick and I made cake balls that (hopefully) looked like pumpkins.
I used carrot cake, cream cheese frosting and colored the vanilla almond bark orange and green. I even took some to My Buddy when I met the whole gang for a train ride to the pumpkin patch.

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