What really matters?

"Taste and see that the Lord is good. Oh, the joys of those who take refuge in Him." Psalm 34:8

Friday, April 25, 2008

Family Traditions

"Taste and see that the Lord is good. Oh, the joys of those who take refuge in him!" Psalm 34:8

This is my attempt at having an avenue to share recipes with friends and family that I have tried and loved (and maybe even some that I haven't loved but others have...we'll see). The one thing you are pretty guaranteed NOT to see on here is anything fishy, at least, not from me anyway! I have tried to force myself to eat seafood because I know it is healthy, but I just can't do it (and I gag)! I make it a point never to cook things that I don't eat because that would be, well, pointless. Posts will probably be very sporadic, so don't get your hopes up for daily recipes! I have linked several sites that I like to visit for good recipes.

I love southern food and I love cooking. I love my family -- who just happens to love to eat (ME INCLUDED!!) and have been great guinea pigs. (Maybe they will even let me share some of their good recipes!) They always say when the food is yummy and not so yummy.

I think eating around the dinner table is important for families and is certainly fading fast in our family traditions. Jason and I are not the most successful at eating at the dinner table every time together, but we certainly try and that is what this is all about. We are all individually going in a million directions, but join me in "bringing it back to the dinner table." (That's cheesy, I know!!)

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