What really matters?

"Taste and see that the Lord is good. Oh, the joys of those who take refuge in Him." Psalm 34:8

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Sopapilla Cheesecake

I couldn't figure out what I wanted to make for the breakfast. I really wanted to make Grits Casserole or Hashbrown Quiche, but the Olympics have been keeping me up entirely too late to even think about waking up any earlier than I have to just to put something in the oven. (GO MICHAEL PHELPS!! I could go on and on about all my favorites, so I better just say GO TEAM USA!!!!) This is a recipe that I have been eyeing for some time now. I first saw it over at The Pioneer Woman Cooks (it's the 4th comment down) and then at The LPM Blog. Click on both links to see recipes. Today, the breakfast was the perfect time to try it because it seemed more like a cheese danish to me. The two recipes are slightly different in the amount of sugar used...I went with TPWC's recipe simply because I had already printed that one out back when I first found it. Super easy and super delicious!! (Super terrible for calorie counters!!)

Three posts in one day...what a great food day!!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I ate this at work and it was great!! Could be used for breakfast or dessert.