What really matters?

"Taste and see that the Lord is good. Oh, the joys of those who take refuge in Him." Psalm 34:8

Sunday, June 22, 2008

Basil Pasta

I grow fresh basil in my herb garden every year, but NEVER cook with it. I don't know why this is. Today, however, I used fresh basil. (This is a side note about the picture above...The cookbook is from The Dish Washer's Granny. I was so honored that they wanted me to have it after she died this past January. It is from 1945!! It has nothing to do with the recipe; I just wanted to add it in the picture because I have been watching Food Network and all their pictures are "styled." Maybe one day I will share The Dish Washer's favorite cookie recipe which happens to come from this cookbook! )

I didn't do so well "styling" the above picture of my pasta. I should have sprinkled some more fresh basil on the top for color! Anyway, in the words of my Grandmama - "heavens to Betsy" this was good! I don't really know what that means, but I like it! Mom and Dad came up today (3rd weekend in a row of family togetherness!) and we had this for lunch. THANKS MELODIE!! Sooooo goooood!

Basil Pasta

1 box of penne pasta (I used whole grain)
olive oil (about 1/2 c.)
garlic (as much as you like...I used about 3 heaping Tbsp.)
1 lb. mozzarella cheese, cut into bite size pieces
salt and pepper

Boil 1 box of penne pasta and drain. Cut up tomatoes and basil. Saute garlic in olive oil. Pour this over tomatoes and basil. Add cheese to pasta. Then mix everything together. Add salt and pepper to taste.

**I forgot to add this earlier...you can sprinkle parmesan cheese on top at the end. I didn't have any to add.**


Anonymous said...

I don't know if you got my last email but add fresh parmesan to the top.

Diana said...

I forgot to add that part...I didn't have any this time! I'll add it now. THANKS!!