What really matters?

"Taste and see that the Lord is good. Oh, the joys of those who take refuge in Him." Psalm 34:8

Sunday, August 10, 2008

Putting up...Peaches

This past week I headed south to attend my cousin's 21st birthday party. I stopped at Durbin Farms and picked up some delicious looking peaches. After sharing a good many with my family, I saved myself a few for The Dish Washer's birthday next month. He hates his birthday, but loves peach cobbler! Not just any peach cobbler though...Granny Miller's peach cobbler. His mom has tried and has come very close to Granny's recipe, although The Dish Washer says it isn't exactly the same. I bought these peaches for us to use and she hopes that we will be able to make the peach cobbler together so that I can learn. (This isn't the well known version of just mixing a crust and pouring on top. Granny always used homemade crust and would cut up some pieces and put inside the cobbler...YUM!) Anyway, here is how I was taught by my M-i-l to put up peaches for the freezer.

I started with 5 extremely large peaches that I placed in a large heat proof bowl. Bring water to a boil in a saucepan on the stove. Once boiling, pour over peaches. Allow them to sit in the water until the peeling becomes soft. I don't believe I had mine in there for more than 2 minutes. The peeling came off incredibly easy. Then I sliced the peaches and put in a saucepan with about 1/2 c. of sugar and turned on low. This allowed the peaches to make their own juice. Then I allowed them to cool and placed in a freezer bag. I sat them in the fridge overnight to allow them to cool (and possibly make more juice) and today I am putting them in the freezer. They will be so good!

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